Plugins Mais Populares de WordPress

WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager – AI Autotagger
(169 avaliações)

Tags, Categories and WordPress terms are easy with TaxoPress. Add a Tag or Category to Pages, manage your WooCommerce Categories and Tags and more.

Companion Auto Update
(105 avaliações)

Manage all updates on your WordPress site. Stay in the know with several optional e-mail notifications and logs. For free.

Getwid – Gutenberg Blocks
(111 avaliações)

40+ Gutenberg Blocks, plus multiple pre-made free block templates for the WordPress block editor.

Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags
(120 avaliações)

Improve social media sharing by inserting Facebook Open Graph, Twitter Card, and SEO Meta Tags on your WordPress website pages, posts, WooCommerce pro …

Theme Editor
(120 avaliações)

Theme Editor allows you to edit theme files, create folder, upload files and remove any file and folder in themes and plugins.

Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload for Contact Form 7
(90 avaliações)

This simple plugin create Drag & Drop or choose Multiple File upload in your Confact Form 7 Forms.

Ultimate Dashboard – Custom WordPress Dashboard
(98 avaliações)

The #1 Plugin to Customize the WordPress Dashboard!

(111 avaliações)

Creates a 'Coming Soon' page that will show for all users who are not logged in

Connect Matomo (WP-Matomo, WP-Piwik)
(92 avaliações)

Adds Matomo (former Piwik) statistics to your WordPress dashboard and is also able to add the Matomo Tracking Code to your blog.

Shortcode in Menus
(80 avaliações)

Allows you to add shortcodes in WordPress Navigation Menus.

Reveal IDs
(60 avaliações)

What this plugin does is to reveal most removed IDs on admin pages, as it was in versions prior to 2.5.

Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP
(62 avaliações)

Best all-in-one WordPress security plugin, uses HTTP & HSTS response headers to avoid vulnerabilities: XSS, injection, clickjacking. Force HTTP/HTTPS.