Lazy Load

Image Optimization by Optimole – Lazy Load, CDN, Convert WebP & AVIF
(588 avaliações)

Automatically compress, optimize and serve scaled images as well as convert WebP & AVIF all from CloudFront CDN. Lazy load included ⚡

NitroPack – Caching & Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals, Defer CSS & JS, Lazy load Images and CDN
(301 avaliações)

Boost site speed scores and pass Core Web Vitals with caching, CDN, image optimization, critical CSS, minification and more - all in one tool.

LazyLoad Plugin – Lazy Load Images, Videos, and Iframes
(137 avaliações)

The best free lazy load plugin for WordPress. Lazy load images, videos, and iframes to improve performance and Core Web Vitals scores.

WP YouTube Lyte
(202 avaliações)

Vídeos do YouTube de alto desempenho, listas de reprodução e incorporações somente de áudio que não tornam seu blog lento e oferecem acessibilidade ideal.