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Social Chat – Click To Chat App Button
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Click To Chat App
Onde hospedar o plugin Click To Chat App?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos escolher uma empresa de hospedagem seguro, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Click To Chat App em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável
A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e otimiza seu site ao mesmo tempo.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Premium | Demo | Documentation | Community
WhatsApp Chat for WordPress allows your customers to click a button and open a conversation from your website directly to your “WhatsApp” or “WhatsApp Business” phone number. This plugin includes a Whatsapp button where you can include a pre-set message, which will be automatically be the first message in the conversation.
Anteriormente chamado de WhatsApp Chat
This plugin was formerly known as “WhatsApp Chat”. WordPress forced us on August 8, 2019 to change the name of the plugin due to use of the “WhatsApp” word in the name. We apologize for the problems that the downtime may have caused to you.
Por que o WhatsApp?
WhatsApp is these days, the most popular instant messaging application in the world. Is available in more than 100 countries and supporting more than 50 languages.
This means most of our users use WhatsApp as their main contact method, and they probably have been using it for years. Therefore, offering easy access from our website is a good way to convert those visitors into customers.
Generating leads is the key to every business success, and the Social Chat button can help you to increase your overall sales and reach this goal.
Botão do WhatsApp
With the Social Chat button, your visitors will be allowed to send a message directly to your phone number. To start configuring it, you have to go to the button tab inside the Social Chat section that you can find in your admin dashboard.
Inside the button tab, you wil be able to switch between two different layouts, and to define if you want to include rounded edges, also the position where you want to show the WhatsApp button, the text to be displayed inside, the WhatsApp phone number and the default user message.
Social Chat Box
Social Chat also allows you to include a box to show some contact information and a personalized message. This box can be activated through the Box tab inside the Social Chat section, and there also you can define the header and footer message, contact name, phone, work, and an avatar.
Social Chat Features
- Botão do WhatsApp
- Caixa de contato do WhatsApp
- Cores do botão e da caixa do WhatsApp
- Adicione um ícone personalizado ao botão do WhatsApp
- Dois layouts de botão
- Oculte o botão de acordo com o tipo de post e taxonomia
- Adicione bordas arredondadas ou quadradas
- Posição vertical e horizontal
- Texto personalizado do botão
- Mensagem personalizada do usuário
WhatsApp Message Dynamic Variables
Synce version 5.0.6 you’re able use variables in your WhatsApp Button or contact messages.
{SITE_TITLE} ➡ Is replaced by the current site title
{SITE_URL} ➡ Is replaced by the current site url
{SITE_EMAIL} ➡ Is replaced by the current site email
{CURRENT_TITLE} ➡ Is replaced by the current page title
{CURRENT_URL} ➡ Is replaced by the current page url
🎁 New!! WooCommerce WhatsApp
Since version 6.0.1 you can include a WooCommerce WhatsApp button in the Single product pages to allows your users to prompt a custom message to your WhatsApp App.
The WhatsApp Button can be included directly on your WooCoomerce product pages next to the “Add to cart” button.
Also you can include WooCommerce WhatsApp button in the next actions:
- Before “Add To Cart” form
- Before “Add To Cart” button
- After “Add To Cart” button
- After “Add To Cart” form
- After “Additional information”
WhatsApp Premium
The premium version of the Social Chat plugin allows you to include multiple team member agents, distinguishing their names and labels inside. The contact box helps to provide direct contacts to the different support areas of your site.
A new option to display a chatbox for each agent is included. This box will be displayed when the user clicks on the WhatsApp contact, and you can define custom message to be shown from each contact. Your users will be able to type the message that will be sent to the WhatsApp contact phone.
Finally, we’ve included an option that allows you to select between more than fourteen icons to be included at WhatsApp button, and allowa full integration with the WordPress live customizer.
Social Chat Premium Features
- Multiple WhatsApp phone numbers
- Chatbox interface for each WhatsApp phone number
- Customize each WhatsApp contact welcome message
- Allow users to send the first message to your WhatsApp
- Display WhatsApp button based on custom post types and taxonomies
- Display WhatsApp Button business hours
- Display WhatsApp Contacts business hours
- Google Analytics v3 events
- Google Analytics v4 events
- WhatsApp group support
WhatsApp Button Installation
- Vá para o menu Plugins no WordPress
- Search for “Social Chat WP”
- Clique em “Instalar”
- Clique em “Ativação”
- Go to the Social Chat options in the dashboard
WhatsApp Button Shortcodes
Our WhatsApp plugin support shortcodes to add WhatsApp button or box inside any post or widget.
You can change the shortcode attributes to customize the WhatsApp phone number, styles or welcome message.