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Royal Elementor Addons and Templates
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Royal Elementor Addons and Templates
Onde devo hospedar o plugin Royal Elementor Addons and Templates?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos fortemente optar por uma empresa de hospedagem seguro, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem de sites da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Royal Elementor Addons and Templates em um provedor seguro
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, disponibiliza o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que assegura e aumenta a performance do seu site ao mesmo tempo.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Royal Elementor addons is the most versatile, intuitive, and easy to use Popular Page Builder extension. Our goal is to provide you with the tools to make things happen, efficiently, and fast compare to other elementor addons. Choosing us is not only a mindset, but it is also a requirement if you intend to gain an edge over your competitors when creating your website. The best part is that you can design anything without having to touch a single line of code.
Comes with 90+ Elementor addons, 100+ Elementor Templates KIT (Growing Each Week), Theme Builder, WooCommerce Builder, Elementor Mega Menu Builder, Popup Builder, Premade Widget Blocks & Extensions. Creative and self-intuitive widgets to take your WordPress website to the next level. All widgets are Free and the Pro Version offers even more advanced functionality.
As funcionalidades Livre e Pro estão misturadas no Widget Demos abaixo.
Plugin Demo Page
Elementor Templates Demo Page
Woocommerce Elementor Templates Demo Page
Lista de widgets:
- Mega Menu with Off-Canvas mobile menu support
- Grade de post
- Carrossel de post
- Slider de poste
- Form Builder
- Grade de produtos WooCommerce
- Carrossel de Produtos WooCommerce
- Slider de produtos WooCommerce
- Grade de imagem – Slider de imagem
- Carrossel de imagem
- Grade de Revistas
- Slider Avançado – Carrossel
- Charts – Horizontal/Vertical, Line, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar Area
- Testemunho Slider
- menu de navegação
- Navegação em uma página
- Tabela de preços
- Alternância de conteúdo
- Temporizador de contagem regressiva
- Barra de progresso
- Abas
- Texto Avançado – Texto Extravagante
- Category Grid
- caixa de virar
- Caixa promocional
- Slider Antes Depois – Slider de comparação de imagens
- Hotspots de imagem
- Formulários
- MailChimp
- Ticker de conteúdo
- Botão
- Botão duplo
- Membro da equipe
- Google Maps
- Lista de preços
- horário comercial
- Botões de compartilhamento
- Search Form with Live Ajax Search
- Logo do site
- Back to Top Button
- Phone Call Button
- Lottie Animation
- Timeline Widget
- Flip Carousel
- Features List
- Dual Color Heading
- Advanced Accordion with Search
- Image Accordion
- Page List for Mega Menu
- Data Table
- Readeing Progress Bar
- Offcanvas Menu – sidebar menu
- Twitter Feed
- Instagram Feed
Woocommerce Widgets:
- Advanced Woocommerce Product Grid
- Woocommerce Product Wishlist & Compare Grid
- Woocommerce Product Wishlist Page
- Woocommerce Product Compare Page
- Live Ajax Search for Woocommerce
- Product Carousel
- Product Slider
- Product Filters
- Product Category Grid
- My Account
- Cart
- Checkout
- Mini Cart
- Floating Mini Cart
- Breadcrumbs
- Add to Cart
- Product Price
- Product Navigation
- Product Media
- Product Tabs
- Product Meta
- Product Rating
- Product Sale Badge
- Product Notice
- Product Excerpt
- Product Stock
- Product Additional Info
Extensions and Other Features
- Elementor Theme Builder & Woocommerce Builder – Header Footer Builder, Post & Product Archive builder, Single Post & Product builder, Single Page, Search, category, tags, 404, author, data page template builder.
- Dynamic Website Builder – Use Dynamic Tags to create Websites Driven by Dynamic Content. Create Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies. Style and customize Custom Fields, Custom Post Type & Custom Taxonomies Templates. Add Dynamic Product Data even for Woocommerce Archive Grid and Single Products Pages and much more. Supported Advanced Custom Fields: Text, Textarea, Number, Range, Email, URL, Password, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, True / False, Gallery, Image, Repeater, File, Flexible Content, Clone, WYSIWYG Editor, oEmbed, Date Picker, Relationship, Taxonomy, Time Picker, Color Picker, Post Object, Accordion, Tab, Google Map. View Dynamic Websites Prebuilt Demos
- Mega Menu Builder – Build any type of WordPress mega menu with Menu Badges and Icons, use any elementor widgets in Mega menu content, supports Ajax loading of mega menu items for maximum page loading speed. Off-Canvas Mobile and Desktop Menus support.
Advanced Sticky Menu – Create eye-catching Sticky Header Effects check demos (scroll to see menu effects):
Demo 1 – Replace Header on Scroll, change it’s background Color and make it Transparent, replace Logo
Demo 2 – Shrink Logo, Shrink Header and Change its Color
Demo 3 – Only show Header when Scrolling Up
Demo 4 – Replace Header and add Shadow, Replace Logo and Menu background Colors
Demo 5 – Scale Logo, Scale Header and Change its background Color -
Popup Builder – (Offer Sales Banners, Subscriptions Banners, GDPR Cookie Consent & Compliance Notice, Cookie Notice, Age Verification), 20+ Premade Popup Templates included in popup library
- Parallax Scrolling – Parallax effect extension
- Parallax Multi-Layer Effect – extension
- Particle Effect
- White Label Branding (Change Plugin Name, Description, Developer / Agency, Website URL, Menu Label
and other custom branding related settings) - Sticky Section (Can be used for creating Sticky Header / Menu)
- Custom CSS – apply custom css to any section.
Elementor Wocommerce Builder Templates Kits
- Electronic Store
- Auto Parts Store
- Fashion 2
- Woo Shop 1
- Woo Shop 2
- Fashion 1
- Grocery Store
- Furniture Store
- Food Delivery
- Ecommerce
- View All Demos
Elementor Theme Builder Templates Kits
- Personal Blog v1
- Personal Blog v2
- Personal Blog v3
- Personal Blog v4
- Magazine Blog v1
- Magazine Blog v2
- Magazine Blog v3
- Magazine Blog V4
- Magazine Blog V6
- Food Blog
- Travel Blog
- View All Demos
Elementor Templates Kits
- Nature
- Digital Agency
- Digital Agency
- Digital Agency
- It Technology 1
- Construction v1
- Construction v2
- Construction v3
- Architecture
- It Technology 2
- Drone
- Cybersecurity
- Medical
- Realestate
- Cryptocurrency
- Skincare
- Food Delivery
- Wedding
- Restaurant
- Portfolio
- Developer Portfolio
- Designer Bio
- Pizza Restaurant
- Wine Bar
- Photographer Portfolio Dark
- Photographer Portfolio Light
- Lawyer Light version
- Travel Blogger & Influencer Light version
- Car Wash
- Pet Care
- Pet Shop
- Digital Marketing Agency
- One Page Digital Marketing Agency v1
- One Page Digital Marketing Agency v2
- Travel Agency
- Architecture & Interior
- Fytness & Gym
- Business Consulting
- Car Repair
- Amazon Product Landing Page
- Business Landing Page
- Mobile App Landing Page
- Investment Landing Page
- Digital Product Landing Page
- Saas Landing Page
- Startup Landing Page
- Ebook Landing Page
- Home Care
- Fintech
- Portfolio v2
- Hotel v1
- Nature – Travel v2
- Yoga
- Digital Seo Marketing Agency v1
- Digital Seo Marketing Agency v2
- Real Estate v2
- Real Estate Agency v3
- Job Listing Website
- Barber Shop Kit
- Dance Studio Kit
- Magazine Blog V4
- Solar Energy Kit
- Digital Marketing Agency v3
- Digital Marketing Agency v2
- Digital Agency Dark
- Charity
- Coming Soon Kit v1
- Music Band v1
- Dental v1
- View All Demos
How to Import Template Kit:
Navigate to plugin Menu > Templates Kit > Select Kit you want to import > Click on the import Template Kit button.
Demo Data will be installed from Our Website.
What’s imported: Posts, pages, images in the media library, menu items, some basic settings like which page will be set as homepage, premade headers, and premade footers, popups if demo includes it.
If you already have posts, pages, or any other data in your WordPress none of them will be deleted.
Widgets short Description:
1. Grade de post de Elementor
Post Grid – Post Slider – Post Carousel – A free Elementor Post grid widget. This widget could be used as a recent posts slider, post carousel, FitRows grid, masonry grid (Pro), portfolio grid, list style grid, filtrable grid if you will enable isotope filters, media grid for video project showcase and more. Simply the best solution for WordPress blog posts or custom post types. Comes with the following options: multicolumns, numbered pagination, random post display option, load more button, infinite scroll (Pro), likes (Pro), sharing (Pro), custom fields (Pro), lightbox, linkable filters (deep linking), custom icons for filters, grid filters (live filters with isotope) and much more.
2. Grade Elementor Woocommerce
WooCommerce Product Grid – Product Slider – Product Carousel – A free WooCommerce Grid Widget. Could be used as product carousel, product slider, product list, product category grid, category carousel, category slider, filtrable grid to display wooCommerce products and much more. This elementor addon comes with the following options: multicolumn, numbered pagination, load more button, infinite scroll (Pro), product likes (Pro), product sharing (Pro), custom fields (Pro), lightbox with the gallery, linkable filters (deep linking), custom icons for filters, live grid filters (with isotope filters), sorting and much more.
3. Image Grid
Image Grid – Image Slider – Image Carousel – A free Image Grid Widget. Could be used as an image gallery, logo grid, image slider, image carousel, and much more. Addon comes with the following options: multicolumn grids, numbered pagination, load more button, infinite scroll (Pro), likes (Pro), sharing (Pro), custom fields (Pro), lightbox, linkable filters (deep linking), custom icons for the filters, FitRows grid with a isotope filters, masonry grid and much more.
Magazine Grid – Slider – A free Magazine Grid Widget. This widget is the #1 Magazine Grid builder widget on the repository. Could be used as magazine layout, newspaper layout, news grid, news slider(PRO).
5. Advanced Slider
Advanced Slider – Carousel – A free Image Slider Widget. Could be used as image slider, logo carousel, content slider, template slider (Pro). Creat unique looking hero section with this slider. It is fully responsive and has full width and full screen options. Also Pro version comes with Ken Burns effect & animated content.
6. Testimonial Slider
Testimonial Slider – A free Testimonial Slider Widget. This widget will showcase your customers reviews on your WordPress website. The widget offers following options: customers reviews slider, testimonials ratings (stars), company logo option, clients/customer image, texts with vintage quotes.
7. Elementor Menu widget
Nav Menu – A free Nav Menu Widget. This widget will make your WordPress Menu trully unique by customizing its look and feel without using code. Addon offers following options: mobile menu customization, drop down menu setup, hamburger menu, menu hover effects and hover animations. Also Pro version offers vertical menu and sticky header. Most advanced & customizable responsive menu.
8. Onepage Navigation
Onepage Navigation – A free Onepage Navigation Widget. This widget allows you to create an amazing onepage scroll experiance WordPress website with just a few clicks. Can be used to create floating menu, sticky navigation menu, side menu with icons to scroll to any section.
9. Pricing Table
Pricing Table – A free Pricing Table Widget. This Pricing Comparison Table widget helps you to create an effective price comparison table with unique styling, which allows you to display not just the cost, but also the features you offer. A widget could be used as a regular pricing table & as a pricing table with a toggle button to switch from Monthly/Yearly plans. Pro version offers different tooltip options for each pricing table feature, also it’s possible to have more than 2 pricing plans switcher, like Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime (You can check the demo on the widget preview page).
10. Content Toggle
Content Toggle – A free Content Toggle Widget. You can load Elementor Templates or simply insert images and text to style it the way you want. A widget could be used as a pricing switcher as well, for example, to switch between Monthly/Yearly/Lifetime pricing plans. Pro version offers more than 2 toggle options – Check out the widget demo page to see all its possibilities.
11. Countdown Timer
Countdown Timer – This widget allows you to display a timer that counts down to a specific time or date. A widget could be used as a black Friday sale countdown timer, to create urgency for users for your event, sales, or opt-in forms. You can set various actions after the timer expires: hide the timer, display a message, redirect or load the template. The Pro version offers an Evergreen timer (checkout widget demo page), recurring countdown timer, and restart timer options.
12. Progress Bar
Progress Bar – This Skill Bar widget offers unique ways to style various types of stats in percentages or numbers, can be used for classic animated progress bars, circle progress bars, or vertical progress bars (Pro).
13. Advanced Tabs
Tabs – This Advanced Tab widget lets you display key information in an interactive manner, that attracts visitors and also saves lots of space on your WordPress webpage. The widget offers horizontal tabs, vertical tabs, tab loading animation effects, and more. Trigger tab via mouse hover or click both options are available. Also, you can have nested tabs via the elementor templates loader which means you can use any elementor addons inside tab content.
14. Advanced Text
Advanced Text – Fancy Text – This Text animation widget lets you highlight any text with different colors, animation, and typing effects to draw your visitor’s attention instantly. Available effects: typewriter effect, fancy text effect, animated text effect, highlighted text effect, text-shadow effect, text over image effect, text and image mask effect, 3d text effect, text slider, gradient text, the background image on text, text glitch effect, text long colored shadow effect, word animation effect, text skew effect, text flip vertical and horizontal effect, slide, clip, zoom, scale, circle line, underline zigzag line, curly line, cross x line, line through and others. Pro Version offers extra effects and functionalities.
15. Flip Box
Flip Box – A free Flip Box Widget. This widget with hover box animation and call-to-action buttons will highlight your content in a great way and allows you to create stunning promo boxes and ads with CTA button functionality. The widget offers more flipping effects in the pro version and some extra functionality as well.
16. Promo Box
Promo Box – With this widget, you can create: a clickable image with varios effects like: a clickable image with image hover effects, option to add text over image, display call to action button over image, and many other options. Create a stunning sale or discount banners with CTA buttons and badges with this addon. The Pro Version offers extra effects and functionalities.
17. Before After Slider
Before After Slider – Image comparison Slider – A free Image comparison slider. This addon can compare two pictures with draggable or mouse hover options in horizontal and vertical(Pro) layouts.
18. Image Hotspot
Image Hotspots – A free Image Map Widget to build image hotspot maps, allows you to create hot spot image with 2x points on it. Add tooltips to icons to make it stunning and informative. The PRO versions offer unlimited hotspot points.
19. Forms Styler
Forms – This Form widget comes with the following options: contact form 7 styler, Gravity forms styler, Ninja Forms styler, and WPforms styler.
20. MailChimp Subscribe
MailChimp – This Newsletter addon helps you to collect emails from your website visitors by creating stunning email opt-in forms. Our Mailchimp Form is the best free Mailchimp integration tool for your WordPress website. Add …
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