Incorpore avaliações do Google de forma rápida e fácil em seu site WordPress. Aumente o SEO, a confiança e as vendas usando as avaliações do Google.
Essential elements for modern websites. Add buttons, sliders, heroes, maps, images, carousels, features, icons, more. Create dynamic pages easily.
The visual editor widget for WordPress.
This swiss-knife plugin comes with a quality template library, menu/sharing icons, Elementor/BeaverBuilder page builder widgets and many more.
List the most recent posts with post titles, thumbnails, excerpts, authors, categories, dates and more!
A highly customizable, easy-to-use popular posts plugin!
Import and export your widgets.
Blocksy Companion é um plugin que transforma o tema Blocksy em um poderoso canivete Suíço.
Additional widgets for Elementor page builder. It has 40 highly customizable widgets.
Display up to 10 Google reviews on your site in less than a minute and continue collecting new reviews without limits to increase trust and sales!
Botões e ícones pop-up de compartilhamento em redes sociais
Flexible sidebars for custom widget configurations on any page or post. Create custom sidebars with ease!