
Check & Log Email
(244 avaliações)

Check & Log email allows you to test if your WordPress installation is sending emails correctly by sending a test email to an address of your choi …

Quiz and Survey Master (QSM) – Easy Quiz and Survey Maker
(1.245 avaliações)

Easily create exams, generate leads, surveys and any type of quiz with our popular WordPress Quiz Plugin. Customize personalized results, emails, and …

Quiz Maker
(482 avaliações)

O plugin QUIZ MAKER permite que você faça um número ilimitado de questionários, exames e testes

Watu Quiz
(132 avaliações)

Creates exams, surveys, and quizzes with unlimited number of questions and answers. Mobile/touch - friendly.

Chained Quiz
(38 avaliações)

Create a quiz where the next question depends on the answer to the previous question. Final quiz results depend on the amount of collected points.