
Custom Post Type UI
(268 avaliações)

Admin UI for creating custom content types like post types and taxonomies

WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager – AI Autotagger
(169 avaliações)

Tags, Categories and WordPress terms are easy with TaxoPress. Add a Tag or Category to Pages, manage your WooCommerce Categories and Tags and more.

Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
(50 avaliações)

Substitui a caixa padrão de taxonomia com uma caixa personalizada que usa botões de rádio... limitando cada post a um único termo da taxonomia.

WP Media Category Management
(35 avaliações)

A plugin to provide bulk category management functionality for media in WordPress sites.

Tag Groups is the Advanced Way to Display Your Taxonomy Terms
(50 avaliações)

Tag Groups allows you to organize your WordPress taxonomy terms and show them in clouds, tabs, accordions, tables, lists and much more.

Custom post types for WordPress – ACPT Lite
(23 avaliações)

Create and manage custom post types and taxonomies in seconds. Use the meta fields builder to create complex websites with just a few clicks.