
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
(249 avaliações)

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist add all Wishlist features to your website. Needs WooCommerce to work. WooCommerce 9.2.x compatible.

YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode
(40 avaliações)

YITH WooCommerce Catalog Mode, a plugin for disabling sales in your e-commerce and turn it into an e-commerce into an online catalogue.

PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit
(224 avaliações)

A powerful way to update your WooCommerce product catalog. Finally, no more tedious clicking through countless pages!

WC Min Max Quantities – Set Minimum/Maximum Quantity & Price Limits with Step Control for WooCommerce
(39 avaliações)

Set the required minimum and maximum order quantities or amounts for individual products, categories, or globally with quantity step control.

Easy Booking para o WooCommerce
(59 avaliações)

Um plugin de agendamentos poderoso e fácil de usar para o WooCommerce.

Same Category Posts
(13 avaliações)

Show posts related to the current category or other custom post types.

WP-Lister Lite for eBay
(69 avaliações)

List products from WordPress on eBay. The easy way.

Related Products Manager for WooCommerce
(17 avaliações)

The plugin lets you customize the associated products in WooCommerce. You can change displayed WooCommerce related products number, columns, order, re …

Syncee – Global Dropshipping
(44 avaliações)

Find dropshipping products from trusted US/CA/EU/AU suppliers, upload them to your WooCommerce store easily, and automate your order processes.

WooCommerce Product Type Column
(1 avaliação)

Exibe uma coluna para "tipo de produto" (com ícones) na página de administração de produtos no WooCommerce.

Blocks for Products
(5 avaliações)

Um plugin para usar o Gutenberg na página de produtos.