Faça backup, restaure ou migre seu site WordPress para outro host ou domínio. Agende backups ou execute manualmente. Migre em minutos.
O melhor plugin de backup e migração do WordPress. Faça backup, migre, copie, mova ou clone seu site de um local para outro de forma rápida e fácil.
Effortlessly migrate, clone, or transfer your WordPress site to over 5,000 web hosts with Migrate Guru, trusted by Cloudways, Pantheon, and Dreamhost.
Backup Restore Migrate Staging Duplicator - 100% unit tested.
Transfer your WordPress website to SiteGround without any hassle in a completely automated way using SiteGround Migrator.
Backup Migration
100% FREE clone and migration
Export WordPress and WooCommerce website data with our powerful Export plugin. Save records as CSV or XML files for easy backup, migration, and flexib …
Everest Backup is a modern tool that will take care of your website's backups, restoration, migration, and cloning.