
Importador do WordPress
(308 avaliações)

Importe posts, páginas, comentários, campos personalizados, categorias, tags e mais de um arquivo de exportação WordPress.

Widget Importer & Exporter
(116 avaliações)

Import and export your widgets.

ThemeGrill Demo Importer
(197 avaliações)

Import ThemeGrill official themes demo content, widgets and theme settings with just one click.

Import and export users and customers
(232 avaliações)

Import and export users and customers including user meta, roles, and other. Compatible with many plugins. Do it from the front end or using cron.

Categories to Tags Converter
(16 avaliações)

Converter categorias existentes em tags, ou tags em categorias, seletivamente.

Importador do Blogger
(52 avaliações)

Imports posts, images, comments, and categories (blogger tags) from a Blogger blog then migrates authors to WordPress users.

Blogger Importer Extended
(119 avaliações)

The only plugin you need to move from Blogger to WordPress. Import all your content and setup 301 redirects automatically.

Import WP – Export and Import CSV and XML files to WordPress
(22 avaliações)

Import WP, a simple, fast and powerful XML and CSV import solution, Making it easy to import posts, pages, categories, tags, users and attachments.

FG Drupal to WordPress
(101 avaliações)

A plugin to migrate articles, stories, pages, categories, tags, images from Drupal to WordPress

KiotViet Sync
(17 avaliações)

Plugin supports data synchronization between KiotViet and Wordpress (Woocommerce). Synchronous information including products, orders and categories.

FG SPIP to WordPress
(29 avaliações)

A plugin to migrate categories, articles, news, and images from SPIP to WordPress