Plugins Mais Populares de WordPress

(46 avaliações)

MY SMTP WP pode ajudar a enviar e-mails via SMTP quando o PHP mail() não funciona.

Email Log
(38 avaliações)

Log and view all outgoing emails from WordPress. Very useful if you have to debug email related problems or have to store sent emails for auditing.

Accessibility by UserWay
(44 avaliações)

UserWay’s Accessibility Widget creates a simpler and more accessible browsing experience for your users.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter
(90 avaliações)

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter offers you the perfect way to filter all products of your WooCommerce shop.

Portfolio Post Type
(14 avaliações)

This plugin registers a custom post type for portfolio items. It also registers separate portfolio taxonomies for tags and categories.

A2 Optimized WP – Turbocharge and secure your WordPress site
(40 avaliações)

Make your site faster and more secure with the click of a few buttons

MailerLite – Signup forms (official)
(31 avaliações)

Add newsletter signup forms to your WordPress site. Subscribers will be saved directly to your MailerLite account. Super easy to set up!

Sydney Toolbox
(14 avaliações)

Registers custom post types and custom fields for the Sydney theme

Custom Login Page Customizer by Colorlib
(434 avaliações)

Colorlib Login Customizer by Colorlib is a plugin that helps you personalize your login form directly from the Customizer.

AI Engine
(603 avaliações)

IA para WordPress. Chatbot, gerador de conteúdo/imagem, copiloto, ajuste fino, API interna, GPT, Gemini etc.! Interface de usuário elegante e ultra personalizável.

Automatic Translate Addon For Loco Translate
(533 avaliações)

Automatic language translator add-on for Loco Translate official plugin to translate WordPress plugins and themes translation / PO files automatically …

Export and Import Users and Customers
(407 avaliações)

The top-rated WordPress plugin to import and export WordPress users and WooCommerce customers.