SEOKEY – Powerful SEO plugin with Expert Insights and SEO Audit
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin SEOKEY – SEO Audit, Optimizations and Tools
Onde hospedar o plugin SEOKEY – SEO Audit, Optimizations and Tools?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que possua WordPress configurado. Recomendamos utilizar um provedor de hospedagem seguro, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin SEOKEY – SEO Audit, Optimizations and Tools em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais nova para seus clientes, fornece o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo singular que protege e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
SEOKEY’s goal is simple: to make SEO easier for everyone.
New in SEOKEY 2.0: enhanced keyword menu and ALT Editor, OpenGraph and Twitter Card Data
SEOKEY: the simplest and most effective SEO plugin
SEOKEY tells you what you need to do next to boost your SEO! Discover our genuine SEO audit tool, our powerful advice for each content, our automatic SEO optimizations and our easy-to-use settings.
Since 2008, we have been improving our SEO expertise for all types of websites: B2C or B2B, for small websites or large international corporations. When it comes to WordPress, we made a straightforward observation: current SEO plugins are too complex, they don’t guide users in their next actions, and they have a lot of technical SEO weaknesses.
SEOKEY is the all-in-one plugin to rank higher in search engine, audit your content, and determine the NEXT action you should take.
And our SEO plugin contains everything you need to manage your SEO: meta tags, redirects, alt editor, and much more. With the SEOKEY PRO plugin, go even further with an enhanced audit, Google bot 404 monitoring, and Search Console connection.
Why SEOKEY is different?
We give you all the keys to succeed in Search Engines :
- A global SEO audit tool for WordPress with practical SEO advice and contents analysis
- Automatic SEO technical optimizations without frustrating options
- A complete SEO toolbox (redirections, image ALT editor, etc.)
- A really easy-to-use interface
- All essential SEO features: Title, Meta Description, Canonicals, Open Graph and Twitter Card data, Head cleaning and much more
WordPress SEO audit
Global SEO audit for WordPress
There is no point in getting tips on a single content if you don’t have the whole picture. With SEOKEY, you can audit all your content in one go to improve your visibility in Google and other Search Engines!
You can then easily consult all your SEO issues, or see at a glance which content is causing the most problems.
Our audit module is unique because we are the only SEO plugin to analyze 100% of your content, prioritizing URLs and issues to be resolved.
Advice with real SEO data in SEOKEY PRO
With PRO version, we go even further with a more detailed analysis of all contents: we give you a main directive based on real traffic data: optimize, change the keyword to target, do nothing, wait, etc.
SEOKEY PRO is the only SEO plugin providing a global SEO audit and contents analysis based on real trafic data!
Individual SEO audit and content analysis for each content
When you edit a specific content in WordPress, we also provide you with a full SEO content analysis. You will know what you ned to fix.
With PRO version, we also display your SEO data for each content: clics, impressions and visible keywords count
Automatic SEO technical optimizations
In WordPress, many SEO optimizations should be active by default. This is our belief as SEO experts since 2008. So why would we force you to check and fill in some options when they should always be active?
That’s why SEOKEY automatically deploys SEO improvements without any click: we clean your HTML , we disable date archives, we redirect attachment pages, we convert 404 errors on old cache files to 410 headers, and so on.
Need more information about it? Check here all our SEO optimizations
Easy-to-use interface for better WordPress SEO
Unlike other SEO plugins, SEOKEY’s interface is by far the simplest one. We’ve removed all unnecessary options, and simplified the ones that will really improve your visibility.
The result: you can configure and use SEOKEY much faster than with any other SEO plugin.
With our global audit and our individual content analysis, you’ll be able to correct all your content immediately!
SEO toolbox (redirections, images ALT editor, etc.)
SEOKEY provides you with all basic features needed in SEO, without installing third-party plugins or the need to upgrade to the PRO version. Our SEO plugin offers a complete WordPress SEO toolbox:
- easily manage your 301 redirects
- an alternative text editor to modify them all in one place (and we use these new ALT texts to fix images without one within your contents)
- 100% automatic generation of your schema.org markup (Local Business, Organization or Person, Breadcrumbs, Website)
- we create new management pages for your Post Type archives if you have any (for example, your shop product page with Woocommerce)
- fast and reliable XML sitemap files for all Search engines (Google, Bing and the others). We physically create these files to boost crawling and indexing speed!
SEOKEY WordPress SEO Plugin: PRO version will take you even further!
With SEOKEY PRO, our audit is more in-depth with a much more in-depth analysis of your content.
In just a few clicks, create and connect to Google’s search console to retrieve your real traffic data and automatically submit your sitemap files.
SEOKEY PRO also improves our advice for each content with data from your Search Console telling you exactly what you need to do!
With this enhanced version, we will also warn you in case of 404 error detected by Google or when WordPress generates an automatic 301 redirect behind your back. With a simple clic, you can fix them!
Our SEO plugin summarized ?
- SEOKEY guides you in your SEO actions with a powerful global SEO audit and individual content analysis
- SEOKEY automatically corrects many WordPress SEO defects
- SEOKEY is the easiest SEO plugin for WordPress
- SEOKEY has practical tools for everyday use
Need more info about our WordPress SEO plugin?
Check our websites:
- in english SEOKEY
- in french SEOKEY en français.
WordPress SEO has never been so easy!
Capturas de tela

Powerful SEO Audit

Real SEO advices

Automatic SEO optimizations

Redirections adn Google 404 monitoring

simple and powerful media ALT editor

Easy settings