Pods – Campos e Formatos de Conteúdo Customizados.

Por Pods Framework Team
(410 avaliações)

Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Pods – Campos e Formatos de Conteúdo Customizados.

Onde posso hospedar o plugin Pods – Campos e Formatos de Conteúdo Customizados.?

Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher um provedor de hospedagem seguro, com servidores otimizados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.

Hospedando o plugin Pods – Campos e Formatos de Conteúdo Customizados. em um provedor confiável

A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, oferece o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que assegura e melhora seu site simultaneamente.

Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?

A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.

Manage all your custom content needs in one location with the Pods Framework.

  • Create content types including Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, and our special Advanced Content Types (ACTs get their own custom tables)
  • Extend and customize content types including Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags, Users, and Media with one easy click
  • Create custom settings pages easily within seconds
  • Add custom fields to any content type
  • Conditionally show fields based on the value of other fields with Conditional Logic
  • Group your fields however you’d like into their own sections and add additional headings to help organize
  • Show your fields anywhere using our blocks, shortcodes, widgets, or the non-coder Pods Template approach along with our automatic theme integration
  • Create connections between any of your content with relationship fields to keep your content organized

Let Pods help you grow your development and site building skills so that you can manage content beyond the standard WordPress Posts & Pages.

Want to check it out? Give Pods a test drive with our new One-click Demo.

Check out our Documentation, Support Forums, and our Live Community Slack Chat for assistance building your dream project with Pods.


Content types that evolve with your needs

Create any type of content that you want — small or large — we’ve got you covered. Every content type created with Pods gets all the love it needs to grow up big and strong. You’ll get an easy-to-use interface that lets you manage field groups, custom fields, and how your content type will look or function.

Create new content types

With Pods, you can create entirely new content types and settings pages.

Every Field Type, FREE

If you choose to use Pods for your custom fields, you’ll get every field type you need, free of charge. Pods works great alongside other custom field plugins like Advanced Custom Fields too.

We have an extensive collection of over 25 different input types to choose from on 20+ different field types for any content structure. Each field type comes with their own additional options to help you customize content entry and display.

You can also control visibility by role/capability and other advanced options.

  • Repeatable Fields: Turn almost any field into a repeatable field with multiple values
  • Text: Plain Text, Website, Phone, Email, Password
  • Paragraph: Plain Paragraph Text, WYSIWYG (Visual Editor), Code (Syntax Highlighting)
  • Date / Time: Date and Time, Date, Time
  • Number: Plain Number, Currency (30+ international currencies)
  • Relationships / Media: File / Image / Video (Media library and basic upload options available), Avatar (for extended Users), oEmbed, Relationship (Dropdown, Multi Select, Autocomplete, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, and List View available)
  • Checkbox (Yes / No)
  • Color Picker
  • Layout Fields: Heading text, HTML content

Relacionamentos para dominar o mundo com

The power is in your hands with our comprehensive support to relate your content to anything.

  • Custom defined lists of text options
  • Relate to any Post Type or Taxonomy posts / terms
  • Relate to any User profile
  • Relate to User Roles or Capabilities
  • Relate to any Comment

And many other relationships are also available including:

  • Image Sizes
  • Navigation Menus
  • Relate to content within any Database Table
  • Countries (predefined)
  • US States (predefined)
  • Canadian Provinces (predefined)
  • Calendar – Days of Week (predefined)
  • Calendar – Months of Year (predefined)
  • And many more!

Componentes opcionais para fazer ainda mais

You can enable some of our included components to extend your WordPress site even further:

  • Types-only Mode – On our Pods Settings page, you can choose to disable creating custom fields for a performance boost if you only want to use Pods for content types or you plan on using it alongside of other custom field plugins
  • Pods Templates – Use our template engine to create templates that can be handed off to clients for care-free management
  • Markdown Syntax – Parses Markdown Syntax for Paragraph Text / WYSIWYG fields
  • Advanced Relationships – Add even more relationship objects including Database Tables, Multisite Networks, Multisite Sites, Themes, Page Templates (in the theme), Sidebars, Post Type Objects, and Taxonomy Objects
  • Table Storage – Enable table-based database storage for custom fields on Post Types, Media, Users, and Comments
  • Roles and Capabilities – Create or edit Roles for your site and customize what they have access to
  • Advanced Content Types – Create entirely custom content types that have their own database table, and they will exist outside the normal WordPress context avoiding meta database tables
  • Pods Pages – Create custom pages that function off of your site’s URL path with wildcard support and choose the Page Template in the theme to use — most useful paired with Advanced Content Types

Plugins that integrate with Pods

Themes that integrate with Pods

  • Genesis (StudioPress) has direct integration in Pods itself

Extend Pods with Free Add-Ons

Extend Pods with Free Third-party Add-Ons

Pods Pro by SKCDEV Premium Add-Ons

How can I translate Pods into my own language?

Many thanks go out to the fine folks who have helped us translate the Pods plugin into many other languages.

Join us in further translating the Pods interface on the official Translating WordPress dashboard

We are also available through our Live Community Slack Chat to help our translators get started and to support them on the process.

Are you looking to translate your Pods and Fields themselves? You’ll want to enable the “Translate Pods” component from Pods Admin > Components.


Pods really wouldn’t be where it is without all the contributions from our donors and code/support contributors.

Capturas de tela

Crie novos tipos de conteúdo ou estenda os existentes

Crie novos tipos de conteúdo ou estenda os existentes

Add groups of fields and manage your content type

Add groups of fields and manage your content type

Add fields of many types with individual options for each

Add fields of many types with individual options for each

Creating or extending a Post Type will add groups of fields to the Post Editor

Creating or extending a Post Type will add groups of fields to the Post Editor

Creating or extending a Taxonomy will add groups of fields to the Term Editor

Creating or extending a Taxonomy will add groups of fields to the Term Editor

Extending Users will add groups of fields to the User Profile and Edit forms

Extending Users will add groups of fields to the User Profile and Edit forms

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