Edwiser Bridge – WordPress Moodle LMS Integration
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Edwiser Bridge – WordPress Moodle LMS Integration
Onde posso hospedar o plugin Edwiser Bridge – WordPress Moodle LMS Integration?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer servidor que possua WordPress instalado. Recomendamos fortemente escolher um provedor de hospedagem de confiança, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Edwiser Bridge – WordPress Moodle LMS Integration em um provedor confiável
A MCO2, além de instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que salvaguarda e aumenta a performance do seu site conjuntamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades suspeitas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São recursos que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Edwiser Bridge – The #1 WordPress and Moodle Integration plugin to sell Moodle courses online.
Are you a Moodle user, who creates courses and wants a robust integration with WordPress/WooCommerce to sell them?
Then you are in the right place. Edwiser Bridge is the only WordPress plugin that provides stable and robust integration between the two platforms.
Edwiser Bridge provides the necessary platform for you to sell your Moodle courses through the default payment gateway, PayPal.
So to enhance its functionality and achieve a fully automated WooCommerce Solution for the purpose of selling your Moodle courses, you may consider choosing Edwiser Bridge Pro to be installed on both your Moodle and WordPress sites.
Edwiser Bridge – Moodle Add On | Edwiser Bridge Pro: Best Moodle plugin to Sell Moodle Courses
🆕 Get Your Course Shop with Edwiser’s E-commerce Site Setup! Learn More!
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📈 Edwiser Bridge Free Features –
📚 CourseFront:
- Course Integration: Integration between your WordPress and Moodle sites
- Multi-Site Connection: Connect Moodle with multiple WordPress sites
- Multiple Sales Channels: Courses from a single Moodle site could be sold through multiple WordPress sites
- Course Import: Import your Moodle courses to WordPress
- Category Synchronization: Synchronize Moodle course categories to WordPress
- Course Drafts: Set the Moodle courses as drafts
- PayPal Integration: Sell courses through WordPress and take payments through PayPal
- Enrollment Synchronization: Synchronize enrolled course data for users
- Image Synchronization: Synchronize Moodle course images with WordPress
- Automated Synchronization: Automated 2-way synchronization between each WordPress site and your Moodle site
- Real-Time Progress: The course progress of students is synced from Moodle to WordPress in real-time
🔐 Course Access Control:
- Automated Registration: Automation user registration in Moodle
- Registration Control: Enable/Disable registration for courses
- Identical Credentials: Identical login credentials to access courses in Moodle
- Access Time Control: Set course access time from WordPress
- Update Courses: Update previously synchronized courses
- User Management: Enroll / Unenroll users from WordPress
- Refund Processing: Provide refunds to your students from WordPress
🌍 Connect your Moodle with Multiple WordPress Sites:
- Multi-Site Connection: Now connect a single Moodle site with multiple WordPress sites
- Expanded Sales Channels: Courses from a single Moodle site could be sold through multiple WordPress sites
- Two-Way Synchronization: Automated 2-way synchronization between each WordPress site and your Moodle site
- Secure Information Transfer: Secured and efficient transfer of information across sites
- Real-Time Progress Tracking: The course progress of students is synced from Moodle to WordPress in real-time
🏆 Edwiser Bridge Pro Features:
- WooCommerce Integration: If you wish to create a complete WooCommerce shopfront to sell your Moodle courses.
- Multiple Payment Gateways: If you want to sell your courses through payment gateways other than PayPal.
- Automatic Invoicing: If you want to create purchase invoices automatically for your course buyers.
- Add-On Products: If you wish to sell an add-on product along with your Moodle course.
- Seamless Access: When you want to provide seamless access between your Course Shopfront and Moodle LMS.
- Corporate Sales: If you sell your courses to companies.
- Expanded Payment Options: If you are interested in integrating with WooCommerce, a popular e-commerce solution in WordPress, this will allow you to sell your Moodle courses through more than 160 payment gateways.
- Subscription Selling: Courses could be sold through subscriptions with ready integration with the WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on.
- Course Variations: Ability to set variations on courses and sell them through your store.
- Course Bundling: Ability to bundle multiple courses as a single product or multiple products under a single product.
- Bulk Purchasing: When coupled with the WooCommerce Integration extension, your course buyers could then purchase multiple courses at once.
- Multiple Enrollments: Course Buyers could also enroll multiple students in the purchased course,
- Cohort Creation: Cohorts are created for each purchase made by the course buyer.
Checkout Edwiser Bridge Pro
Other Edwiser products:
- Moodle Theme – Edwiser RemUI: The Best theme for Moodle is built to provide a superior user experience in Moodle.
Edwiser Forms: An easy-to-use tool that lets you create any form in Moodle using a drag and drop interface.
Edwiser Site Monitor: A free plugin that helps you manage your Moodle site performance right from the admin dashboard of Moodle.
- Edwiser Course Formats: A free plugin that provides you with two distinct course formats for your Moodle courses.
- Edwiser Reports: A powerful tool that can help you improve your Moodle LMS with advanced reporting capabilities.
Capturas de tela

Connection test btw wordpress and moodle: Connection between WordPress and Moodle is successfully established, allowing seamless integration and synchronization of data.

Course options: Course options allow customization of Moodle course settings, including price and description, for seamless integration with WordPress.

Course synchronization: Course synchronization options allow for updating and managing course categories and images between WordPress and Moodle.

Easy Setup wizard for getting started: The Easy Setup wizard provides a step-by-step guide to help you quickly get started with Edwiser Bridge, ensuring all necessary plugins are installed and configured.

Email notification: Manage email templates easily with Edwiser Bridge, allowing customization and automation of user notifications for seamless communication.

Manage enrollment: Efficiently manage user enrollments with bulk actions, enabling easy enrollment and unenrollment for multiple users in Edwiser Bridge.

Moodle courses synced in wordpress: Manage Moodle courses synced in WordPress using Edwiser Bridge, with options for editing, enrollment synchronization, and bulk actions.

Order details: View detailed order information for your Moodle courses, including buyer details and order status, within the Edwiser Bridge interface.

Paypal settings: Configure PayPal settings in Edwiser Bridge, including email, currency, and API credentials, for seamless payment processing.

Pro features: Explore Edwiser Bridge Pro features, including Single Sign On, WooCommerce Integration, Bulk Purchase, Selective Synchronization, and Custom Fields for enhanced functionality.

User synchronization: Synchronize user data between WordPress and Moodle with options to update course enrollment status and link user accounts, ensuring seamless integration.

WooCommerce settings: Configure WooCommerce integration settings in Edwiser Bridge, including redirection, one-click checkout, and account creation options for seamless course sales.

Course description: Course page with overview, pricing, category details, and options for group purchase, displayed within Edwiser Bridge.

Moodle settings: Configure all the required Edwiser Bridge settings on your Moodle site.

Template course description: Customize your course templates with Edwiser Bridge, allowing you to tailor product pages for a consistent and engaging user experience.

Course page template: Customize shop page templates in Edwiser Bridge to create a consistent and engaging user experience.

General settings: Configure all the required general settings in Edwiser Bridge on your WordPress site.

Course list view to user: Browse all available courses in Edwiser Bridge, with options to filter by category and sort, available in both card and list views.