Easy Form Builder – WordPress plugin form builder: contact form, survey form, payment form, and custom form builder
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin Easy Form Builder
Onde posso hospedar o plugin Easy Form Builder?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer hospedagem que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos escolher uma hospedagem de confiança, com servidores adaptados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin Easy Form Builder em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atual para seus clientes, disponibiliza o WP SafePress, um sistema singular que salvaguarda e otimiza seu site simultaneamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização de imagens, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Easy Form Builder is a drag & drop and user-friendly form creator that allows you to create multistep professional forms or contact-us forms within minutes.
If you’re looking to create custom multi-step forms without any coding skills, Easy Form Builder is the plugin for you. With over 40 field types and a simple drag-and-drop interface, building a custom form has never been easier. Easy Form Builder also includes a unique confirmation code (tracking ID) for each submission, allowing you to connect each submission to an individual request.
Easy Form Builder offers numerous features to make your life easier, including:
Free features of Easy Form Builder:
+40 field types for building forms
Simple drag and drop functionality
Build Multi-step forms
Email notification
Confirmation code
Form validation
Easily Localization
Offline Forms
Build Forms with ReCAPTCHA.
Instant reply functionality
Support LTR and RTL languages
Mobile-friendly form builder plugin
Create an Email Template for Email notification
Easy to embed forms to WordPress page and post
Easy to use and no coding skills are required to build forms
New Contact us templates & Examples for creating a contact-us form in less than 1 minute
New Support and Feedback template & Example for build support form in 1 minute
Easily build any kind of form like contact-us form, survey form, payment form, private form
Easy Form Builder is a mobile-friendly form builder and you can easily build forms with Android or iPhone, smartphones or tablets
Unlimited form creation
Unlimited responses or messages forms
Multistep form creation (limited steps)
Sample file upload form
Create Support forms
Create subscription or newsletters forms
Create Login (sign-in) forms
Create Registration (sign-up) forms
Create Surveys (polls) and analyze
Build Private forms (lock forms) or Public forms
Export subscribers list to CSV format file
Mobile-friendly form builder plugin
Easy to embed forms to WordPress page and post
Sample file upload form
Email notification when a form has been submitted
Showing a unique confirmation code after filled forms
User-friendly and feature-rich panel to manage your forms and their responses
Shown Form notification on entry management when having a new response or message
Entry Management able to show response messages of forms and edit forms or delete forms
Reliable spam protection through Google’s reCAPTCHA v2 and localized automatically to your language
Add custom email template for form notification emails
Confirmation code (tracking ID) finder form
Show survey (poll) results in Pie Chart
Easily Localization Easy Form Builder to your language
Email notification automatically sends email messages every time a respondent submits your built form on Easy form Builder
Professional panel for managing user-filled forms and responses
Spam Protection : Google ReCaptcha validation added to your forms for enhanced security against spam. for free.
Download individual filled-out form (messages)
Advanced Forms Field of Easy Form Builder
SMS notification
Multiple Select (Multi Selection Dropdown list) field used to select multiple options in a support form or any kind of form
Change or Build Email Template for Email notification of forms
Forms Templates for creating contact-us or support forms
Customizable the thank you message in forms
Create any kind of form you want
Slide Range Field for building Modern forms for free
With Easy Form Builder, you can use 2 customizable email templates for sending form submission notifications at no cost.
Create Custom Email Template: with this free feature on Easy Form Builder you can create or add custom email templates for forms. for add custom email template on Easy Form Builder go to “Easy Form Builder”
“Settings” “Email Template”. -
Spam Protection : Google ReCaptcha validation added to your forms for enhanced security against spam. for free.
Stripe payment : Easily integrate Stripe payment gateway to create payment forms for accepting online payments for various purposes such as order forms, booking forms, and donation forms.
5 Points Scale : The 5-point scale is a popular method for creating survey forms and poll forms. With Easy Form Builder’s 5 Points Scale fields, you can easily create beautiful forms, collect responses, and analyze results.
Net Promoter Score : The Net Promoter Score (NPS) question is a powerful tool for creating effective survey forms and poll forms in Easy Form Builder.
With Easy Form Builder, you get a free feature that sends you an email when someone fills out a form on your website. It includes a link to see the response, helping you communicate, engage users, and improve your site’s search engine rankings.
Build secure and integrated Stripe payment forms
Create customizable drag and drop file upload forms
Design multi-step forms with unlimited steps for better user experience
Export survey results to CSV format for easy analysis
Export form responses or messages to CSV format for data management
Easily create any kind of payment order or service form with customizable payment fields such as single-choice, selection choose
Create advanced forms with specialized fields including location picker (maps), Esign (e-signature), Yes/No question, Star rating, Switch button, and more
Customize the thank you page that users are redirected to after completing the form for better engagement and conversion rates.
Professional panel for managing user-filled forms and responses
Countries list field & States / Provinces list field & Cities list field Easily Create your forms
New Forms Field of Easy Form Builder
SMS Notification: Easy Form Builder offers a robust SMS notification (Text message) feature, enabling real-time communication with your users upon form submission. Ideal for businesses seeking to enhance customer engagement, SMS notification addon of Easy Form Builder allows you to send customized SMS alerts to your clients. You can personalize the message content, ensuring it aligns with your brand voice, and even include a link to the submitted form for easy access. Leverage Easy Form Builder’s SMS notification or Text message feature to keep your customers informed and engaged.
Drag and Drop file upload: Our user-friendly drag and drop file upload feature makes it easy to add images, videos, audio files, compressed files, and documents (including popular formats like Doc, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Excel, and more) to your online forms. Streamline your support form and enhance your form-building experience with our intuitive file upload function.
Signature Forms: Make your contact forms stand out by adding signature fields for your users to sign. Signature forms can be used for a variety of purposes, such as contracts or agreements. By including this feature in your forms, you can improve user engagement and increase the likelihood of form completion.
Location picker (Geolocation): Using the WordPress plugin Easy Form Builder, easily add a Geolocation feature to your form, including the Contact Us form. This effective tool allows users to swiftly select one or more points with a location picker using LeafletJs and OpenStreetMap, enabling you to build your forms with a location picker.
Countries list: Make it easy for your users to select their country with the Easy Form Builder’s country list select field. This drop-down field includes the local names of all countries, making it more user-friendly and accessible. Add it to your Contact Us form or country form today.
States / Provinces: With Easy Form Builder, you can easily add a States / Provinces list select field (drop-down field of states / provinces list) to your form. Our state/province list includes the local names of each region, so you can easily display the state names in any language. Plus, you can easily switch between countries to display the states/provinces of any desired location.
Cities dropdown: With the dropdown city list in the Easy Form Builder, you can include the list of cities for a province in three language modes: English, local language, and English along with the local language in your form. This feature is perfect for creating forms that require users to select their city of residence.
Multiple Select:Add the ability for users to make multiple selections with the Multi-Select (or Multi-Select Dropdown) field. This field is fully customizable and even includes a searchable dropdown list. Easily add this feature to your WordPress form for free and improve your user experience.
Heading: With Easy Form Builder, you can add heading fields to your forms, just like H tags, without any coding skills. Customize the size and color of your headings to match your form’s style and design.
Link: With Easy Form Builder, you can easily add a link field to your WP forms. This feature enables users to include clickable links on their forms for enhanced user experience and improved conversion rates. With Easy Form Builder, you can customize the link field’s appearance and make it stand out with a variety of text sizes and colors to match your branding.
Secure forms submitting: With Easy Form Builder, you can ensure secure online form submissions. Our validation fields automatically check form data on the client-side before submission and then validate it again on the server-side for added security, all at no additional cost.
Secure File uploads: With Easy Form Builder, you can enjoy secure uploading methods for files and media through your contact forms or other forms. Our platform ensures that the files are safely and privately collected, giving your users peace of mind. Plus, with our free service.
Open/Closed responses: You can mark responses or tickets as open or closed directly from the platform. This feature enables you to track the status of your form submissions, ensuring that you provide timely and effective customer support. With Easy Form Builder’s open/closed responses, you can improve your customer service and increase customer satisfaction rates.
Hijri Date Picker : You can add a Hijri or Arabic Date Picker field to your forms. This feature is perfect for creating forms that require Arabic or Islamic date selection. The Hijri Date Picker is easy to use and allows your users to select a date from the Islamic calendar with ease. With Easy Form Builder, you can customize the appearance of the Hijri Date Picker field to match your form’s design and branding.
Jalali Date Picker : With Easy Form Builder’s Shamsi Date Picker, you can easily create forms that include Persian or Jalali date fields. This feature is perfect for users who need to collect dates according to the Persian calendar system.
Cell Phone Input Field :you can easily add a cell phone input field to your forms, allowing users to input their phone number with ease. Additionally, this feature includes the option to limit the input to specific countries, ensuring that users provide phone numbers in the correct format for your needs. With this powerful tool included in our form builder, you can create a wide range of forms, from contact forms to registration forms and beyond, all with the ability to collect cell phone numbers in a hassle-free manner.
For more information, check out our comprehensive documentation Click Here
Notice: Avoid adding more than one form per page..
Report bugs and improve Easy Form Builder by create a ticket on GitHub or contact us on whitestudio.team
The country, state/province, and city information in the Easy Form Builder is sourced from cdn.jsdelivr.net. If there are any inaccuracies or mistakes in the city or country names, please report here on GitHub.
Easy Form Builder offers a variety of templates and examples to help you create customized forms for your website, whether it’s for contact, survey, payment, or private purposes. Its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface allows you to create forms in minutes and seamlessly embed them into any WordPress page or post. With no coding skills required, you can create professional-looking forms that meet your specific needs.
Capturas de tela

Form Builder

Create a form

Preview a form

Panel of Easy Form Builder

List of responses

Setting of Easy Form Builder

Present chart of poll

Form submitted and Confirmation Code (tracking pixels)

Create a contact-us form

Localization Easy Form Builder to your language

Email template Editor of Easy Form Builder

Order payment forms

configuration Response box of Easy Form Builder

Email Setting of Easy Form Builder

SMS configuration of Easy From Builder