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CM Business Directory – Optimise and showcase local business
Hospedagem WordPress com plugin CM Business Directory
Onde posso hospedar o plugin CM Business Directory?
Este plugin pode ser hospedado em qualquer provedor que tenha WordPress configurado. Recomendamos optar por uma empresa de hospedagem confiável, com servidores especializados para WordPress, como o serviço de hospedagem WordPress da MCO2.
Hospedando o plugin CM Business Directory em uma empresa de hospedagem confiável
A MCO2, além de configurar e instalar o WordPress na versão mais atualizada para seus clientes, disponibiliza o plugin WP SafePress, um mecanismo exclusivo que assegura e otimiza seu site conjuntamente.
Por que a Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor na MCO2?
A Hospedagem WordPress funciona melhor pois a MCO2 possui servidores otimizados para WordPress. A instalação de WordPress é diferente de uma instalação trivial, pois habilita imediatamente recursos como otimização automática de imagens e fotos, proteção da página de login, bloqueio de atividades maliciosas diretamente no firewall, cache avançado e HTTPS ativado por padrão. São plugins que potencializam seu WordPress para a máxima segurança e o máximo desempenho.
Pro Plugin Page | Videos | Demo | User Guide | Add-ons
With this WordPress Business Directory plugin, you will be able to easily create a comprehensive business listing based on categories.
With our WordPress Business Directory plugin, you can effortlessly create a WordPress directory listing akin to Yelp, Yahoo, or Yellow Pages.
Directory Listing Plugin Index Page
The directory index page features a comprehensive list of all businesses, complete with search functionality and additional filtering options.
Admins have full control over the appearance and functionality of the index page, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Directory Listing Plugin Business Page
Each business created by the plugin have a business page which can include business name, logo, images, videos, business description, contact information, links and your own additional infromation.
Directory Plugin Premium Editions
The Business Directory Plugin Premium editions includes even more powerful features, such as: Google maps support, payment integration using WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads, support for each business to manage his own listing and much more.
WordPress Listing Plugin Introduction Video
Business Directory Listing Plugin Basic Features
- Create directory categories.
- Display all businesses in a directory list format.
- Create a business page for each business.
- Include business description and pitch.
- Include business logo.
- Include business address.
- Include additional business info.
- Filter results by business category.
- Includes a user-friendly Setup Wizard for quick and easy plugin configuration.
Pro Version Features
Pro Version Detailed Features List | Demo Site
- Include additional business info and social media links.
- Include attaching files and documents.
- Allow business owners to post and manage information about their business page.
- Allow user to claim existing business.
- Admin can moderate newly posted businesses via a dashboard.
- Ask users to pay for submitting, claiming and editing their business listing.
- Support ads (AdSense, etc.).
- Export/import businesses.
- Ability to create additional custom fields.
- Additional taxonomies.
- Ability to add Google maps to a business page within directory plugin.
- Search support.
- Option to search the business web directory by zip and location.
- Tags Support.
- Assign and display badges for businesses.
- More design options for business page and index page.
- Advertise in search results.
- Promote businesses from the directory listing, including promotion based on zip codes.
- Show working hours for each business.
- WhatsApp Integration.
- Permalink Settings.
- Editable Labels.
- Support Booking Calendar Integration.
- Related business widget.
- Include a form builder.
- Include a levels builder.
- Shotcodes support for category, tag and single business view.
Add-ons and Extensions
- CM Business Directory Community Add-on
- CM Business Directory Payments Add-on
- CM Map Locations
- CM Product Directory
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- CM Tooltip Glossary – Easily creates a Glossary, Encyclopaedia or Dictionary of your website’s terms and shows them as a tooltip in posts and pages when hovering. With many more powerful features.
- CM Download Manager – Allows users to upload, manage, track and support documents or files in a download directory listing database for others to contribute, use and comment upon.
- CM Answers Plugin – A fully-featured WordPress Questions and Answers Plugin that allows you to build multiple discussion forum systems Just like StackOverflow, Yahoo Answers and Quora, Now with MicroPayments and Anonymous posting support.
- CM Restrict Content – A full-featured, powerful membership solution and content restriction plugin for WordPress. Support access by role to content on your site.
Capturas de tela

General Settings

Business Page Settings

Business Directory Settings

Directory Appearance Settings

Available Shortcodes

Managing Businesses – Back-end

Creating / Editing Business Page

Business Directory – Front-end Example

Business Page – Front-end Example

Setup Wizard

Setup Wizard – Example